Essay Competition

The NSS Unit, commemorated 152nd Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ on 2nd October 2021 organized an Online Essay Competition on the following themes:

  • Mahatma Gandhi: The Power of Influence or
  • Mahatma Gandhiji’s Ideologies and its relevance in the 21st Century

10 NSS volunteers have participated in this competition. The competition was kept open for 9 days from 10th October to 18th October for FY, SY and TY student. The students were asked to submit their essay through Google forms. The following was the assessment criteria used:

  1. Relevance to the theme
  2. Comprehensiveness
  3. Creativity

Best three essays were selected. Following are the winners of essay competition

  • 1st Place: Dimple Abith Tavde – SY B.Com A
  • 2nd Place: Sita Gupta – SY B.Com C
  • 3rd Place: Belita Ashlyn Pereira – SY B.Com A