Public Health and Safety

The Life Skills Committee in association with the NSS unit organized a session on the theme ‘Public Health and Safety’ for the students of F.Y.B.Com on 11th December, 2021 from 8.30 to 9.30 am via Online mode. The Resource Person for the session was Dr. Jagdish Kakodkar, Professor and Head, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine.

The session began with an introduction of the Resource Person by Cidel Rodrigues, student of FY B.Com C. The member of the Life Skills Committee, Ms. Sheryl Sanches posed various questions to Dr. Kakodkar regarding health and safety, which were answered in depth by the Resource Person.  Dr. Kakodkar gave a detailed explanation about Covid, and especially the Omicron variant, precautions to be taken and how to avoid and be cautious in such precarious times. The common myths and concerns regarding the pandemic were posed and clarified by Dr. Kakodkar.

Dr. Kakodkar then, discussed the most common issue faced by young girls and women in general i.e. anemia. He explained about the different types of anemia and the reason for such condition. The common reasons as well as other underlying pathologic reasons were revealed. Students were told how to overcome anemia and what types of foods help in curing anemia.

The next question posed was regarding PCOD and how can one handle such a condition. Dr. Kakodkar pointed out that the major cause of the increasing cases of PCOD is excessive consumption of chicken. The chicken is injected with harmful hormones and antibiotics which have a lot of side effects on the human body. The need for regular physical exercise was also emphasized.

The session ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Sheryl Sanches, Asst Prof in Commerce.
