Intramural Chess Tournament

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organized Online Chess Tournament for the students and staff via online open source software, on 7th December 2021 from 4.00 to 5.30 p.m. The tournament was played in an arena format. The total duration of the tournament was 90 minutes, Clock initial time was 10 minutes with 5 seconds increment. Fixtures of the tournament was randomly designed.

Winners of the tournament are as follows:

Name of the player  Positions
Mr. Mayak Jalora 1st place
Mr. Soham Gharse 2nd place
Mr. Matiullah Sohail 3rd place

The Chess tournament enabled students to participate in sports though online mode. 20 students participated in the tournament. Prizes were distributed to the winners at the hands of Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar College Director of Physical Education & Sports.
