5-Day Student Development Programme

The Commerce Club organized a 5- Day Student Development Programme in association with Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers’ Forum, on the topic “Overviews of Stock Market” from 08th to12thNovember 2021 from 12:30  to 01:30 p.m. via the Google Meet platform.

Five sessions were organized on the topics: Investing during these challenging times, Portfolio Management, Asset Allocation vital for wealth creation, Financial Planning and Monetary policy and its implication.

Resource Person for the sessions were as follows:

Day 1:Mr. Kaushal Kumar Mishra, Full Time Lecturer, DHP Financial Training Services, Mumbai.

Day 2- Day 5: DR. V. Aditya Srinivas, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Economist, Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers Forum.

Day 1:Investing during these Challenging Times

On day 1, the program began with a welcome address by Ms. Preksha Chopdekar, Convenor of Commerce Club, followed by introduction of Resource Person by Ms. Marjina Shaikh. The topic for day 1 was “Investing during these Challenging Times” and the Resource Person was Mr. Kaushal Mishra. He began the session with a brief introduction about the importance of stock market. Mr. Mishra focused on the reasons to invest in stock market, Investment process, and major stock exchanges in India, Bull market, Bear Market and live demonstration on reading candle charts on money control site. The presentation was followed by a question answer session.

Day 2:Portfolio Management

The topic for day 2 was “Portfolio Management” and the Resource Person was Dr. Aditya Srinivas. He explained about the various factors that one needs to consider before investing. He also elaborated on the kinds of portfolio in stock market. He stressed upon the various fundamentals to be checked before creating a Portfolio. He also covered portfolio diversification and the extent of diversification. The session ended with a question and answer round.

Day 3: Asset Allocation Vital for Wealth Creation

On the 3rd day the topic for the session was “Asset Allocation Vital for Wealth Creation”, Dr Aditya started the session with a brief presentation on the concept of asset allocation, Wealth Creation, Ideal Asset Allocation. He stressed on the ideal asset allocation in respect of each age group. The presentation was followed by question answer session.

Day 4:Financial Planning

On the 4th day Dr. Srinivas informed the students about the various investment avenues available. The Resource Persons focused on time value of money, top mutual fund schemes, calculation of NAV, construction of portfolio, Retirement planning, etc. He demonstrated the Terminal Operations on Bombay Stock exchange. He discussed about the top 30 companies on BSE and the strategies to invest in the stock market. The session ended with a question answer round.

Day 5:Monetary policy and its Implication

The topic for the last session was “Monetary Policy and its implications”. Dr. Aditya elaborated upon the Role of Central Bank, Monetary instruments, Impact of interest rates on economy, inflation v/s interest rates. At the end, the resource person addressed the questions raised by the students.

The program ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by the secretary of the commerce club Jackson Rodrigues. Towards the end the students were asked to fill the feedback forms and also answer an online quiz based on which 88students were issued e – certificates. It was an excellent learning opportunity for the students and the students actively participated on all 5 days.

Following are the details of participation each day:

Date No. of Students
08/11/2021 102
09/11/2021 92
10/11/2021 87
11/11/2021 79
12/11/2021 99