‘Cyber Security Awareness’ Webinar followed by Online Quiz

The Computer Science Department organized a session on Cyber Security Awareness on Thursday 28th October 2021 from 12:00 to 2.30pm via Google Meet platform.The session was also live broadcasted on the College YouTube channel. 56 participants attended the same.

The session commenced with awelcome address by the Vice-Principal, Dr. Rodney D’Silva, followed by Introducing the Resource Person Mr. Nikhil Malagi, Managing Director, Balachandra Technologies, Mapusa by Mr. Sameer Patil, Assistant Professor.

The Resource Person gave introduction to the basic of online attacks and how to be alert about it. He listed one of the attacks possible nowadays.

He addressed all the queries raised by the participants. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Rajlaxmi S. Nair, Assistant Professor. E-certificates were provided to the participants who provided online feedback for the session.

The session was followed by online quiz on the same topic which was kept opened for 3 days. Total of 82 participants appeared for the online quiz, out of which 80 participants scored 50 and above. Thus, these 80 participants have been issued the E-certificates for the same.
