Webinar on StartupLife: Rise, Fall, Rise again… Repeat to Succeed!

The Department of Computer Science organized a Webinar on StartupLife: Rise, Fall, Rise again… Repeat to Succeed! on 23rd October 2021 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm via Google Meet for Computer Science Teachers and BCA, B.Voc.(ST) Students. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Vincent Toscano, Managing Partner Uzoorba Technologies

The Webinar began with a welcome address by the Principal, Dr. Prita D. Mallya. In her opening remarks she mentioned that entrepreneurship with innovative ideas is always best and she congratulated the Computer Science Department for organizing such a session for the students. She added further that as failure is not final, one should always take some positivity from it and bounce back. Later, the Head of the Department, Mr. Sumit Kumar, introduced the Resource Person. The programme was coordinated by Mr. Andre Pacheco, Assistant Professor in CS.

Mr. Toscano in his opening speech shared his startup life experience. He narrated, how he and his team work for the betterment of Goa with GEIT and RPI-based labs in Goan schools.  He said that learning skills will change one’s life in the field of IT. He added that age is not important to learn new things, as age is just a number. Later, he highlighted that to run any kind of business, determination is required and challenges that will come your way need to be overcome.

While his interaction with students, he opined that 90% of startups fail, so before starting the idea one should analyze things properly. He showcased a few examples of a Goan IT company.

Further, He stated that education plays an important role in imparting quality education today, and the Government of Goa took an initiative to start with robotics at a younger age for school students. He insisted students to watch a few technology-based web series and biopics and read related books.

At the end of his talk he suggested ways to look for funding form the agencies. He added that Uzoorba’s IT services will soon be restored and resumed. Lastly, he answered all the queries raised by the students.

The Webinar concluded with the Vote of Thanks presented by Webinar Coordinator Mr. Sameer Patil. 76participants (students & teachers) benefited by attending this webinar.
