Extension Activity by Computer Science Department: Talk on ‘Nutrition And Hygiene’

The Department of Computer Science as an extension activity organized a talk on “Nutrition and Hygiene” for the girls of Matruchhaya Balika Kalyan Ashram, Margao on 21st October 2021 at 5:30pm at Matruchhaya Balika Kalyan Ashram, Margao. The Resource Person was Dr Sneha Bhagwat, Founder –“Oorja Wellness Centre”, Margao. The duration of the talk was 1 hour. The talk was attended by 21 girls from the age group of 6 to 18 years along with one administration staff and one member from the management of Matruchhaya. Teachers present from the institution were Mrs Shweta Shet Verenkar, Mrs Rama Borkar, Ms Nishigandha Naik Gaonkar and Ms Purva Gude.

The talk began with the speech by the Resource Person Dr Sneha Bhagwat who was welcomed by Mrs Rama Borkar. Ms Nishigandha Naik Gaonkar, Assistant Professor Department of CS introduced the Resource Person.

Dr Sneha enlightened the girls about hygiene, how to take care of their health in simple and easy way by following simple daily routine and also how adolescent girls should pay attention to their well being especially during their menstrual cycle.

The Resource Person answered all the questions raised by the participants. The talk concluded at 6:45 pm with a Vote of Thanks by Mrs Rama Borkar. Assorted fruits viz. watermelons, bananas, guavas, papayas and sweet limes were distributed to the girls of the Ashram by the teachers.
