Newspaper Analysis- Session 1

The PG Club of Post-Graduate Dept. of Commerce organized a session on ‘Newspaper analysis’ for the M.Com students on 1st October2021 at 12:00 noon. It was conducted by M.Com. Part II students to familiarize M.Com. Part I students with the Newspapers. Its aim is to make the students read, understand and convey information about the current scenarios around the world. This will enhance their communication skills, broaden their knowledge on ongoing affairs, consequently it will also aid them in preparing and passing numerous competitive tests.

The first presenter for the session was Ms. Usma Shaikh who chose a headlines from International news viz. ‘Evergrande Group of China’. While, Ms. Kezia D’costa explained about Business news-‘Ahike in petrol and diesel prices in India’. Ms Anar Singbal made the participants aware of various government schemes for the Indian citizens and Lastly, Mr. Saish Naik enlightened the attendees with the insights of local news -Bhumiputra Bill. The demonstrators scrutinized, interpreted and summarized their topics.

The session ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Leandra Antao, student of M.Com part I.25 students of M.Com part I attended this session. Ms. Sonali Bhosle, Assistant Professor in Commerce was the teacher in charge.
