Cleanliness Drive

The Nature Club of Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Econo???????????????????????????????mics organized Colva beach Cleanliness drive on 21st February 2015.The students of FYBCom and FYBBA participated in the drive. The students cleaned the beach and surrounding area of Colva Circle.

The following staff members also participated in the beach cleanliness drive:

  1. Mr. Sanjay Sawant Dessai
  2. Ms. Jyoti Lewis
  3. Ms. Preksha Chopdekar
  4. Ms. Lizia Veronica Gomes
  5. Ms. Leona Tavares

The drive was a great success and  the local people appreciated the student’s effort. The drive was coordinated by Ms Mamta Kumari and Mr. Mandar Farterpekar.
