10-day Surya Namaskar Challenge

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organized a 10-day Surya Namaskar Challenge from May 12-21, 2021 through Online Mode (Video). The challenge was open to all. 10 different variations of Surya Namaskar were demonstrated in the form of videos. A video of one particular variation of Surya namaskar was sent on the Whatsapp group of registered participants every day, for 10 days.

The key features of the Surya Namaskar challenge were:

1. Participants had to click pictures or send a video of themselves performing Surya Namaskar – this was considered as attendance of the participant.

2. Of the 10 days, minimum 7 days’ attendance was compulsory to get an E-Certificate of participation.

The main purpose of conducting this 10-Day Surya Namaskar Challenge was to motivate individuals to actively participate in some form of physical activity, to help them be physically and mentally fit during the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent lockdown/curfew.

The 23 participants who successfully completed the challenge included 19 women and 4 men
