Life Skills Session on ‘Emotional Intelligence’

The Life Skills Committee organised an Online Session for First Year Students on 19th March 2021 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. using the Google Meet Platform and College YouTube Channel. The topic of the session was “Emotional Intelligence”. The main objective of the session was to develop self-awareness and self-management of personal emotions and also to recognize emotions in others, and respond to those emotions in order to inspire high performance.

The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Ridhima Shirodkar, Assistant Professor in Psychology, Government College, Khandola.

At the outset, Assistant Professor Ms. Marjina Shaikh welcomed the Resource Person followed by her introduction by Ms. Sanchia Patricia Da Costa, student, FY B.Com.

Ms. Ridhima Shirodkar started the session with a brief Introduction on the topic Emotional Intelligence. She further provided an elaborate explanation on the following topics:

  • What are Emotions?
  • Types of basic emotions
  • Meaning of emotional intelligence
  • When do I need emotional intelligence?
  • Ways to cultivate emotional intelligence.
  • Categories of emotional intelligence

The session laid emphasis on the importance of emotional intelligence and ways to improve it.

Ms. Ridhima Shirodkar concluded the session by stating that Emotional Intelligence is a trait that can always be nurtured and strengthened in all of us, but without having a developed sense of it, individuals will lack loving friendships, internal happiness and generally be relegated to living a life of low social functioning.

69 First Year Students attended the session, which ended at 01:30 p.m. with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms. Dimple Tavde. The session was compered by First Year student Ms. Belita Ashlyn Pereira.

Asst. Professors Ms. Lizia V. Gomes, Ms. Marjina Shaikh and Ms. Pretty Pereira coordinated the session
