Life Skills Session on ‘Health & Wellness’

The Life Skills Committee organised an Online Session for First Year Students on 18th March 2021 from 01:00 to 03:00 p.m. using Google Meet Platform & the College YouTube Channel. The topic of the session was “Health & Wellness”. The main objective of the session was to promote healthier lifestyles and encourage the students to be more active and eat healthily. The Resource Person for the session was Dr. Joline Fernandes, Immunity, Lifestyle & Wellness Consultant, Founder of Dr. Joline’s Clinic.

At the outset, Assistant Professor Ms. Marjina Shaikh welcomed the Resource Person followed by her introduction by Ms. Elima Lucas, student, FY B.Com.

Dr. Joline Fernandes started the session with an introduction on the topic, wherein she said that when students are healthy, they have a lot more energy and improved concentration. She further provided an elaborate explanation on the following topics:

  • The objectives of wellness
  • Health and wellness goals
  • Why is health and wellness important?
  • Benefits of health and wellness
  • How do you promote health and wellness?

49 First Year Students attended the session. The session ended at 03:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks delivered by First Year Student Ms. Abhilasha Yadav. Ms. Lisanna Fernandes, First Year student, compered the session.

Asst. Professors Ms. Lizia V. Gomes, Ms. Pretty Pereira and Ms. Marjina Shaikh coordinated the session.
