Session on ‘Quality Research and Publication’

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organised a session on Quality Research and Publication on 27th February 2021 from 10.30 -11.30 am via Google Meet. The Resource Person for the session was Dr. Narayan Parab, Assistant Professor in Financial Services, Goa Business School, Goa University. The session had 47 participants.

The main aim of the session was to provide the students with insight and knowledge about Writing Quality Research papers and publishing them in recognized and high impact factor journals.

The session began with Ms. Seema Dharani, Assistant Professor at PG Dept., briefing the students about the objective of conducting the session. Ms. Uzma Shaikh, student of M.Com Part 1 introduced the Guest Speaker for the session.

Dr. Parab began his session in an innovative manner and with a practical approach on how to write a research paper in real time. He spoke about quality research papers as well as quality journals to be referred for content analysis.

Dr. Parab continued the session in a sequential manner, beginning with Literature Review and Abstract. The session proceeded with the structure of writing an innovative title, introduction, literature review, citing authors with the help of Mendeley software and Data Methodology. He also briefed about Tools and Techniques and Hypothesis Testing by using different software such as Gretl, E-views, SPSS and R to arrive at the results. He guided students in choosing quality papers from recognized journals such as Emerald, Jstore, Willy, Sage etc. for literature review.

At the end, Dr. Parab addressed various queries raised by the students. The session ended with a Vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Rohit Prajapati, M.Com Part II.
