Workshop on Blogging

The Department of English organised a Workshop on Blogging on 11thFebruary, 2021 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm via the Google Meet platform and was streamed live on the College YouTube channel, for teachers of all programs and students of FYBCom. The Resource Person for the workshop was Mr. Silverio Souza, a Creative Writer, Blogger, RJ and a Stand-up Comedian. The aim of the workshop was to familiarise students and teachers with the importance and uses of Blogging.

The workshop began a welcome address by the Principal Dr. Prita Mallya followed by the  introduction of the Resource Person by Ms. Samiksha Vengurlekar, Asst. professor in English. The workshop was divided into two sessions. Before proceeding with the workshop, students were tested for their previous knowledge on Blogging. For Part one, Mr. Souza elucidated the importance, uses, types and areas of Blogging through a PowerPoint presentation. At the end of the session the participants clarified their doubts with the Resource Person.

For the second session, the question ‘why should one open a blog’ was addressed. This session was more of a practice session wherein five different blogging sites viz. Blogger, WordPress, Vix, Medium, Tumblr, were explained to the students but WordPress was highly recommended. Participants  found this session quite interesting as they were shown steps to open a blog. Many of them could open a blog instantly. The Resource Person also enlightened them on how they can earn through blogging if they have about a million followers. The sessions were interactive and the Resource Person could keep the participants engaged till the end.

The session ended with the Vote of Thanks by Ms. Dimple Tavde, student of FY B.Com.
