Talk on “Impact of Kindness and Motivation on Happiness”

The Counseling Cell conducted a session for all the non-teaching staff members of the College on The Impact of Kindness and Motivation on Happiness. The session was held on 28th January2020 from 2:00-3:00 Classroom 1, BBA Block. 19 non-teaching staff members attended the session.

The Resource Person for the session was the College Counselor, Ms. Amba Prabhu. She spoke about how kindness and motivation in our daily life impacts happiness.

She explained that it is a continuous cycle of kindness that leads to happiness and happiness that further leads to kindness. She then went on to talk about the importance of motivation in one’s life. She spoke about 2 types of motivation namely, extrinsic motivation (motivation based on external rewards) and intrinsic motivation (motivation based on simple joy and satisfaction of the individual). She then explained how to keep going and find motivation in challenging situations.

The session was an interactive one, in which the participants shared their personal experiences of kindness and how they find motivation in their daily lives.

The session concluded at 3 p.m.
