Presentation on “Innovative Tools for Teaching and Learning”

The Research and Faculty Development Cell, in collaboration with NDLI Club @ Damodar organised a presentation “Innovative Tools for Teaching and Learning” for the faculty members on 09th  January, 2021 at12.00 pm on the Google Meet platform. Ms. Manasi D. Rege, Librarian, was the speaker. Dr. Lira Gama (Coordinator) introduced the speaker and Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar (Member) was the teacher in charge.

The highlights of the presentation were ICT enabled Innovative tools like CORE, JURN, AGRICOLA (Agricultural Online Access: A database), Project Gutenberg, ECONBIZ (a tool for journals, working papers and conferences in Business  Studies and Economics), DBLP (Computer Science Bibliography), NDLTD (The Networked Library of Theses and Dissertations), Paperity (The first multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access Journals and Papers), DOAB( Directory of Open Access Books), DAOJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), DOAR( Directory of Open Access Repository), World Digital Library ( a project of the U.S. Library of Congress, with the support of UNESCO), Ted Talks, NDLI ( National Digital Library of India), Shodhganga (A Reservoir of Indian Theses), ePathshala, Google Images.

Participants were shown how to make keyword searches on these tools. The speaker expressed that with the digital era taking over, it is important to include digital and online tools in the learning process. 24 teachers attended the session.

The session concluded at 1.00 pm.  Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar proposed the Vote of Thanks.
