Guest Lecture on “Sustainable Development of Economic Resources in Goa”

The Department ofGuest lecture Eco of Resources 2 Economics & Banking organised a Virtual Guest Lecture on 10th December 2020 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for the students of SYB.Com on “Sustainable Development of Economic Resources in Goa”. Ms. Shraddha Rangnekar,a partner at Mrugaya Xpeditions and the Founder of Foundation for Environment Research and Conservation was the speaker for the session. 20 students attended the session.

Ms. Riti Dhaka, a student of SY B.Com introduced the Resource Person following which Ms. Rangnekar commenced the session where Sustainability and Resources were the key concepts of discussion. She stressed upon natural resources as the basic life support systems which form the basis as well as serve as drivers of growth in the economy.

Ms. Rangnekar also examined the status of Goa’s economic resources while emphasising upon the concept of ‘Think globally and act locally’. Ms. Farah Mendonca was the compere for the session. Mr. Mihir Suchak, a student of SY B.Com proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Assistant Professors in Economics, Ms. Farah Mendonca and Ms. Stesa Pereira coordinated the session.
