Tech Talk -Peer To Peer Teaching Learning

The Department of Computer Science conducted a Tech Talk for the students of FYBCA as a part of Peer-to-Peer teaching learning. FYBCA student Mr. Yashodhan Sawadekar conducted the session on Git Hub, which is widely used by developers. The session was held on 28th November 2020 from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Through his well-organized presentation, Mr. Yashodhan explained to his fellow mates what the Git open-source version control system is, and through a practical demonstration, explained how it helps developers to make constant changes to the code.

He explained that Git is a command-line tool and the centre around which all things involving Git revolve; it is the hub, where developers store their projects. He elaborated upon how it helps to network with like-minded people. He demonstrated how GitHub can be used to store projects and how a team working on a project can collaborate and handle project revisions.

The session was very practical and students were able to understand how they can use GitHub effectively for their practical courses.

The 86 FYBCA students, who were present, appreciated the session. Faculty members Mr. Sumit Kumar and Ms. Akshada Hegde congratulated Mr. Yashodhan for his able handling of the topic.

The session ended with Ms. Namita Neurenkar, the faculty in-charge appreciating and thanking Mr. Yashodhan for making a very informative practical presentation. She informed students that during a mentoring session, Yashodhan had revealed that he was using GitHub, and the Department thought of organizing the session. She explained that Tech Talk – Peer-to-Peer Teaching-Learning aims to provide students with a platform to share what they know with others, and in the process evolve as confident young individuals.
