Online Poetry Writing Competition on ‘Women Empowerment’

The Women’s Cell in association with the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) organized an Online Poetry Writing Competition on the theme ‘Women Empowerment’ for the students of the College. The date of submission was 13th November, 2020.

The participants were instructed to send their entries via e-mail.  All the participants turned out to be female poets who depicted different aspects on the topic very well.

The competition was judged by Mayuresh Adsul and Sparsha Mandrekar. Asst. Professors in Commerce.  Dnyanada A. Prabhudessai, student of TY B.Com C, Mruga Mahesh Naik, student of M.Com and Dimple A. Tavde, student of FY B.Com C won the first, second and third places respectively. All were awarded e-certificates. Megha Vasu Mohan, Asst. Prof. in Computer Science coordinated the activity.
