Webinar on ‘Work Excellence through Better Health’

The Post Graduate Department of the College organized a webinar on the topic ‘Work Excellence through Better Health’ on November 28, 2020 from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. via the Google Meet platform. The compere for the evening was Ms. Shristi Patel, student of M.Com Part I.

Women often face a stressful routine trying to manage and balance work life and home. These new age super women often do not find the time to take care of their bodies and end up either ignoring physical signs of illness or delaying the diagnosis due to lack of time to visit doctors. The PG Department of the College attempted to impart basic healthcare tips and healthy practices to working women and young girls so that they can keep themselves away from the danger of modern lifestyle habits that may lead to future illness.

The program commenced with a brief welcome address delivered by Assistant Professor and Webinar Coordinator, Ms. Sheryl Da Silva. Ms. Kezia Da Costa, student of M.Com Part I introduced the first speaker – Dr. Tanvi Poy Raiturcar, MBBS, M.S., D.N.B., Ophthalmology FICO, MRCS Edinburgh Fellow Medical Retina. She is presently a Consultant Eye Surgeon at Healthway Hospital, Old Goa.

Dr. Tanvi Poy Raiturcar began the session with a brief introduction on various eye problems encountered by individuals and requested everyone to have their eyesight tested to check for vision and eye problems. She also discussed Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and its symptoms such as eye strain, blurred and double vision, headache, temporary near sightedness etc.  Dr. Tanvi informed the participants that there is an increase in the CVS and complex eye and vision problems due to the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic as there has been increase in the use of mobile phones / laptops / computers due to Work from Home and online teaching- learning practices. The speaker stressed the need to maintain and follow healthy eye care practices and suggested different exercises, balanced diet and eye care tips for preserving vision. She also urged the participants to not only keep their body healthy but also to focus on having healthy eyes.

Ms. Lovina Fernandes, student of M.Com-I introduced the second speaker – Dr. Rini Naik, MBBS, MS(Obstetrics and Gynaecology), D.N.B, Fellow in NDVH and Gynaecologic Endoscopy.  Dr. Rini Naik commenced her session by giving a brief overview of working women in India and the reproductive health problems they normally face. She spoke on issues such as menstrual pain, Polycystic ovary syndrome – PCOS – a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age, reproductive tract infection, irregular periods, anaemia – causes, symptoms and remedies to overcome the same. The speaker also focused on breast cancer in women and various surgical procedures to deal with it. She also briefed the participants on various menstrual hygiene practices they should follow, need for self-body examination at regular intervals and emphasized on the importance of reproductive healthcare in working women.

At the end of the webinar, the speakers addressed the queries raised by the participants. The attendees found the webinar very informative and beneficial. 43 participants attended the session. The program ended at 4:15pm, with a vote of thanks proposed by the Ms. Sredha S, student of M.Com Part II
