30 Hour Certificate Course

As a part of 30 Hours Certificate Course for First Year B.Com  and BBA (FS) students, the Life Skills Committee of the College conducted an online 2-hour session on Presentation skills for the students of FY B.Com A and C divisions on November 27, 2020. The resource person for the session was Ms. Maria Fernandes, Independent Consultant, Ribandar Goa. 46 students from the 2 divisions attended the session.

Asst. Professor Marjina Shaikh welcomed the Resource Person. Ms. Dimple Tavde, a student from FY B.Com introduced the Resource Person. Ms. Fernandes started the session by asking the students about the importance and benefits of Presentation Skills. She explained the basics of making an effective presentation and audience analysis. The resource person then highlighted the 10 common mistakes people make during presentations. She also shared her experience as a student and her fear of public speaking. The speaker stressed upon the 3Ps of a good presentation i.e. Plan, Prepare and Practice.

Asst. Professor Marjina Shaikh coordinated the session. It was a very interactive and an enlightening session and was appreciated by the students. The session ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Amisha Azavedo FY B.Com student.
