Guest Lecture on ‘The Past, Present and Futures of Insurance’

The BBA(Financial Services) Department organized a guest lecture titled “The Past, Present and Future of Insurance” for the students of SY BBA(FS), as part of the Principles and Practice of Insurance course. The guest lecture was organized virtually through Google Meet platform on 26th November 2020 from 09:00 – 10:00 a.m. 74 SY BBA(FS) students and 2 faculty members of the Department attended the same.

The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Nixon Fernandes, Development Officer in the area of Marketing at Life Insurance Corporation, Panaji. He has been awarded an Associateship by the Insurance Institute of India. He has an M.Sc. in Physics and a Management degree from Goa Institute of Management. He has been practicing the management and execution of insurance services since 1991 and has to his credit, wide experience in varied domains of the challenging and rewarding field of insurance.

Mr. Fernandes commenced the virtual session by highlighting the need for insurance through a series of examples and then explained the concept and the key elements of an insurance contract. He elaborated upon the emergence of insurance, in the global and Indian context. He thoroughly discussed the present scenario, both in life insurance as well as in general insurance with special reference to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Mr. Nixon highlighted the prime upcoming trends that will revolutionize the global insurance industry. He also explained about the various employment opportunities in the insurance sector by listing and explaining the various online examinations conducted by the IRDA.

Mr. Nixon made the virtual session very interactive and interesting. He addressed all the queries raised by the students. Students provided a very positive feedback about the guest lecture. Mr. Nixon mentioned that such activities are immensely important in bridging the glaring gap between academia and industry. Asst. Prof. Ashwini Devari introduced the resource person while Asst. Prof. Mayuresh Adsul compered the session and proposed the vote of thanks. Asst. Prof. Ashwini Devari and Asst. Prof. Mayuresh Adsul organized the guest lecture.
