Guest Lecture on ‘Financial Disclosures under IND AS’

A guest Lecture on the topic “Financial Disclosures under IND AS” was arranged for TY B.Com Accounting students on November 25, 2020 from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. The Resource person was CA Saish Naik, Assistant Manager, IFB, Goa and an alumnus of our institution. CA Saish briefed the students on various financial disclosure procedures that have evolved over time.  He commenced his presentation by stressing upon the applicability and the Phase wise introduction of the new IND AS for Indian Industries since 2015. He also threw light on Schedule III of the Companies Act 2013, discussed the format, the three sub-divisions of the schedule, computation of deferred tax liability, biological plants, financial, non-financial assets, Statement of changes in equity and so on. He concluded the session by presenting to the students the Annual Report of Reliance Industries Ltd. and discussing the financial statements of the company. 70 TY B.Com students of Accounting attended the informative session.
