World Toilet Day 2020

As part of its mission towards increasing students’ awareness about sustainable practices, Vasundhara (Green Club) of the College observed World Toilet Day on 19th November 2020. The virtual event began with an opening address by the Principal, Dr. Prita D. Mallya. The Principal spoke about how there are more than 4 billion people in the world who do not have access to safe sanitation, thus compromising hygiene and health. It also denies people, especially girls, opportunities. Having access to a proper toilet is important for hygiene, health, opportunity and dignity. Safe sanitation and access to toilets is almost like a human right, which is why it is one of the Sustainable Development Goals announced by the United Nations in 2015.  SDG 6 aims to make the world Open Defecation Free by 2030. The Principal appreciated the students for their participation and ‘Vasundhara’ for taking this initiative to generate awareness about this critical cause.

The programme comprised the screening of three awareness videos. The first video was about three Pradhans/Sarpanch from Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh, who worked to make their respective Gram Panchayats Open Defecation Free. The second video was a short film that portrayed the misconceptions that people from rural areas live with, and prefer open defecation over using the toilets built. The video also educated about the diseases perpetuated by open defecation. The third video generated awareness about the people living without access to safe sanitation, the adverse effects of open defecation and how we can help achieve SDG 6.

The event ended with Vote of Thanks by the Convenor, Ms Ashwini Devari. The programme was hosted by Ms. Stesa Elsie Pereira, and coordinated by Ms. Meher Rodrigues. 85 students attended this online activity.
