Life Skills Session

The Life Skills Committee organised an Online Life Skills Session as part of the 30-Hour Life Skills Certificate Course for First Year BBA(Financial Services) and B.Com students on 10th November 2020 from 11:45 a.m. to 01:45 p.m. using Google Meet platform. The topic of the session was “Composting as a Life Skill”. The resource person for the session was Ms. Apoorva Apte, Proprietor, Shubhankar Environmental Services.

Assistant Professor Ms. Pretty Pereira welcomed the Resource Person followed by the introduction of Ms. Apoorva Apte by Mr. Rushank Gawas from FYBBA(FS)-B.

Ms. Apoorva Apte started the session with a video that portrayed the Garbage Processing Plant in Calangute, Goa. She further provided an elaborate explanation on the different reasons as to why one should segregate waste. She explained the process of compositing, how to compost different types of wet waste, the various precautionary measures to be followed if the compost smells and suggestions on composting the waste.

She provided a live demonstration of Composting and Bio-enzyme, supplemented with various cases studies from Goa, Maharashtra and other States and countries. At the end of the session, Ms. Apte urged every participant to take the responsibility of segregating waste and composting it at zero cost, and also to make bio-enzyme as an alternative to chemical cleaners.

Prior to the session, Ms. Apte had shared the prerequisites of composting with students, and the students were asked to prepare compost at their homes. After the session, Mr. Shubham Pawar, a student from FYBBA(FS)-B, presented a video on Bio-enzyme which he had prepared at his home.

100 students attended the session. The session ended at 01:45 p.m. with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Dimple Tavde from FY B.Com. Ms. Pretty Pereira, Assistant Professor in Economics & Banking compered the session.

Ms. Apoorva Apte appreciated the active participation of the students, as evidenced by the several questions. The students appreciated the efforts of the Resource Person and said they benefited immensely from the session.

The session was coordinated by Asst. Professors Ms. Lizia V. Gomes, Ms. Pretty Pereira and Ms. Marjina Shaikh.
