Webinar on ‘Decoding the New Labour Codes’

The Department of Commerce & Management organised a State Level Webinar on ‘Decoding the New Labour Codes’ on 7th November 2020 from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm. Dr. Lina Sadekar introduced the resource person Adv. Prashant Agarwal, a private law practitioner in Goa. Principal Prof. Prita D. Mallya delivered the welcome address.

Adv. Prashant provided a brief overview of the evolution of labour codes in India. He also focused upon the salient features of the new labour codes with respect to the Code on Wages 2019, Industrial Relations Code 2020, Occupational Safety, Health & Working Condition Code 2020 and Social Security Code 2020. The resource person also briefly explained the various acts subsumed by new labour codes. This was followed by a Q&A session wherein Adv. Prashant effectively answered the questions posed by the participants. Dr. Shami Pai, HOD of Commerce and Management delivered the Vote of Thanks. 98 participants from across Goa attended.
