Online Session on Leadership Skills

The Life Skills Cell organised an online session titled “Leadership Skills” for students of FY B.Com Divisions A & B on 28th October 2020 from 12:00 to 1:20 pm via Google Meet. Ms Caroline Stewart Silva Professional Life Coach was the Resource Person for the session.

The session started with the welcome address by Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Assistant Professor followed by the introduction of the Resource Person by Ms Pretty Pereira Assistant Professor in Economics and Banking.

Ms Caroline Stewart Silva covered a variety of topics including Dunham and Pierce’s Leadership Process Model, leadership styles and five levels of leadership. She also highlighted the qualities of leaders and managers and the different ways to develop personality. Videos depicting leadership qualities were shown during the session. Students participated enthusiastically and enjoyed the session.

At the end of the session Ms Caroline Stewart Silva urged the students to develop leadership skills, leadership core values and a strong work ethic.

Ms. Marjina Shaikh chaired the question answer session and the Vote of Thanks was proposed by FY B.Com student, Ms. Anushree Pramod Shirodkar.
