Orientation Programme for M.Com Part1 Students

The Post Graduate Department organized an Online Orientation Programme for the students of M.Com Part I, on 09th September 2020 at 10.00 am via the Google Meet platform. Students were briefed about the conduct of the M.Com Programme including examinations, seminars and workshops, add-on courses, departmental activities, internship and dissertation undertaken by the Department.

Ms. Sheryl Da Silva, Asst. Prof, began the Orientation by giving students an insight into the M.Com programme, the programme requirements and various departmental activities organised for the holistic development and growth of the students. She also briefed the Part I students on the infrastructure, Library and other facilities available for the students.

The students were addressed by the Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya, who welcomed them to the campus and congratulated the students for having been admitted to one of the best Commerce colleges in Goa.  She urged students to participate in academic as well as cultural activities so as to help them improve their overall personalities and enhance qualities such as leadership, effective communication, teamwork and collaborative learning. She emphasized the importance of developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Vice-Principal and Programme Coordinator Dr.RodneyD’Silva encouraged students to frequently visit the Library and read business journals and newspapers. He also encouraged students to undertake quality research work and add to their existing domain knowledge. He assured the students that they would have a great learning experience at Shree Damodar College, as the College emphasizes not only on imparting quality education but also focuses on the overall development of students.

Asst. Prof Ms. Seema Dharani explained the conduct of examinations (ISAs and SEA) and mode of assessment for M.Com Part I and Asst. Prof Ms. Pooja Shanbhag briefed the students on the importance of internship and dissertation. 27 students attended the session.
