Webinar on “Investing in Mutual Funds Simplified”

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce conducted a Webinar on the topic titled “Investing in Mutual Funds Simplified” on 9th July 2020 from 11. am to 1.00 pm. The Webinar was streamed live on the Zoom platform and on the College YouTube channel. A total of 2,200+ views were received on the College YouTube channel. The objective of the webinar was to simplify investing in mutual funds through a free investment platform and become AatmaNirbhar.

The session was compered by Asst. Professor Ms. Muktali Cuncoliencar. The session began after the welcome address by the Principal Dr. Prita Mallya. She introduced the new programme offered by VVM’s Shree Damodar College viz. Post Graduate Diploma in Finance and Taxation. The Webinar was coordinated by Vice Principal Dr. Rodney D’Silva.

The speaker for the webinar was in-house faculty member Ms. Madhumeeta Dhar. The speaker used five steps to demonstrate the journey of investing in Mutual Funds. In the first step she explained the basics of mutual fund and the mutual fund mechanism, in the second step she introduced the participants to a free Investment platform that is Groww app which is a direct mutual fund investment platform proudly built in India. In the third step with the help of a video the speaker showcased how to register and also mentioned the KYC document required. In the fourth step the speaker explored different types and categories in mutual fund and in the final step she demonstrated with a live example by investing in mutual funds with Groww app starting from only Rs. 100. In the end the speaker shared a few investing tips and also recommended books to read on Mutual Funds.

The session ended with a Question and Answer session and feedback from the participants. Vice-Principal Dr. Rodney D’Silva proposed the Vote of Thanks.
