Webinar on Career Opportunities in IT Sector

ekta_picThe Department of Computer Science organized a Webinar on ‘Career Opportunities in IT Sector’ on the 16th June 2020 on the Zoom meeting platform. The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Jervis Pereira, Vice President of Goa Technology Association. Mrs. Ekta Agarwal, Chairperson of the Programme Mentoring Council for Computer Science, Shree Damodar College, was a speaker for the Webinar. A total of 347 individuals participated in the webinar, 75 (Zoom Meeting Application), 272 (YouTube).

The Webinar began with the welcome address by the Principal Dr. Prita Mallya. The Principal emphasized on how technology has made life easier during the pandemic. She also mentioned the need for such informative webinars for the students.

The Principal’s address was followed by a session by Mrs. Ekta Agarwal who, with the help of a PowerPoint presentation, highlighted the different technical career options available after pursuing a BCA or B.Voc.(ST) degree. She made an exhaustive presentation of the career opportunities available to the graduates of these two programmes.

This session was followed by the keynote address. The keynote speaker, Mr. Jervis Pereira, focused on the demand for Information Technology/ Computer Science personnel in Industry and how these careersjervis_pic have been cardinal during the pandemic. He explained how a BCA/ BVoc.(ST) student can save a year as opposed to Engineering degree in Computer S cience/Information Technology and is also valued nearly the same in Industry in terms of recruitment. He also mentioned that BCA/BVoc.(ST) curriculum is comprehensive in the Computer Science domain in contrast with an Engineering Curriculum. He motivated the student participants to master varied technologies whilst pursuing their degree as the Industry demands technically proficient youth.

The keynote address was followed by a question and answer session. The participants posed questions through a chat window, which the moderator directed towards the speakers.

The Webinar was conducted using the Zoom Meeting application. Since Zoom meeting application supports only 100 participants, the webinar was live streamed on the Damodar College Youtube Channel. The webinar garnered an audience of 75 partcipants through Zoom and the YouTube video gathered 272 views. The Webinar was moderated by Ms. Akshada Hegde.
