Debate Competition

The Debaters’ Floor Club of the Post-Graduate Department of Commerce of the College along with the B.Com Section, organized a debate competition on 12th August, 2017. The topic for the debate was Freedom of Speech: Use and Misuse. Seven students each from B.Com and M.Com participated in the debate.

Debate with B.ComThe judges for the debate were Ms. Larissa Vaz, Sales Coordinator at Zuri White Sands Goa Resorts and Casino, Varca and Mr. Omkar Lotlikar, Business Partner at A.P. Lotlikar Stores, Margao. The judges were introduced by Ms. Preeti Gunaji, student of M.Com Part II and were welcomed with a small token presented to them by Ms. Valencia Vaz, student of M.Com Part II. Dr. Vishal Chari, Asst. Professor, Department of Economics & Banking, was the moderator for the debate.

Students picked lots and were accordingly divided into ‘For’ and ‘Against’ teams.

The debate consisted of three rounds. In the first round members of each team presented opening statements for and against the topic. Points put forth for the topic were that freedom of speech was a constitutional right, a basic pillar of democracy, a universal declaration of human rights, expression of injustice, many ideas make a good decision and if curtailed would turn a democracy into a dictatorship. Opening statements against freedom of speech were limitation of freedom of speech, respect diversity of culture, does not bring out root cause of the problem, no right to speak against the country, should not hurt sentiments of people and one should think before speaking.

The second round of the debate was marked by very spirited arguments and interjections ranging from matters of the beef ban, celebrities’ statements in the media to the Donald Trump Presidential Election campaign. Non-participating students formed a very enthusiastic and appreciative audience.

Concluding Statements were presented by two members of each team during the third and final round. Students for the topic stressed upon the freedom to protest against any injustice, whereas students against the topic argued that Nature gives us so much and we should use freedom of speech responsibly.

The Winners were as follows:

  1. ‘For’ Team
  2. Best Speaker- Ms. Sonia de Mascarenhas (T.Y.B.Com)
  3. Best Interjector- Amruta Kategeri (T.Y.B.Com)
  1. ‘Against’ Team
  2. Best Speaker – Mr. Abdul Shaik (T.Y.BCom)
  3. Best Interjector – Ms. Devika C. (S.Y.B.Com)

The overall winner of the debate was the ‘Against’ team.

The debate concluded with the judges expressing their point of view and awarding certificates best speaker and best interjector to the winners. Student of M.Com Part II, Ms. Ratika Gaonkar proposed the vote of thanks.
