5 Day National Level FDP

The Research & Development Cell in collaboration with Faculty Development Cell organised Online 5 Day National Level FDP on Application of AI in Academic Research from 5th to 13th April 2024. The objective of this workshop was to provide participants with an understanding of AI’s applications in academic research, focusing on its significance, methodologies, and ethical considerations. The session aimed to equip educators and researchers with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) techniques into their academic research endeavors. The Resource Person was Dr. Swati Gupta, Ph.D in Strategic Costing and Research Expert in AI Tools. Dr. Maithili Naik, Convenor of R&D cell welcomed the attendees and introduced the Resource Person to the audience.

Following is the brief overview of the five days online session:

Day 1: Introduction to AI in Academic Research.

The Resource Person gave a brief introduction to AI in Academic Research, she provided an overview of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in academic research. Importance of AI in enhancing research methodologies and outcomes were also explained. Further she discussed the role of AI in advancing different fields of study.

Day 2: Utilizing ChatGPT and Other Tools in Research

Dr. Gupta demonstrated the application of ChatGPT in academic research, showcasing its ability to generate ideas, refine research questions, and assist in literature reviews. She also introduced other useful tools such as LitMaps, Research Rabbit, Elicit, R-Discovery, Scholarcy, and Prism, emphasizing their relevance in research.

Day 3 and 4: Application of Research-Based AI Tools

These sessions focused on practical demonstrations of utilizing AI tools in academic research. Dr. Gupta provided step-by-step guidance on leveraging AI tools for data analysis, interpretation, and other research processes, enhancing participants’ research capabilities. Through practical demonstrations and discussions, participants gained knowledge and skills to integrate AI techniques into their research endeavors effectively.

Day 5: Ethical Dilemmas in AI-Driven Research.

The final session addressed the ethical implications of using AI in research. Dr. Gupta discussed issues of bias, fairness, and transparency in AI algorithms, encouraging participants to consider ethical considerations in their research endeavors. A Q&A session provided an opportunity for participants to seek clarification on ethical concerns related to AI in academic research.

Held over five days, the program covered various aspects of AI and its applications in diverse academic fields. Participants got an opportunity to delve into various aspects of AI, including its utilization in research, tools available for academic purposes, and hands-on experience with AI-powered research tools. The sessions were well appreciated by the participants as it was informative and enriching. Around 189 participants registered for this program. Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Convenor of FD cell expressed her gratitude through the Vote of Thanks. The 5 days National level FDP was a great success.
