30 Hours Certificate Course in Physical Fitness & Nutrition

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organized a “30 Hours Certificate Course in Physical Fitness & Nutrition” for all the SDCCE students from 13thOctober 2021 to 30th October 2021 from 1.00 to 3.00 pm in the Multi-purpose hall and Gymkhana in both, Offline and Online mode. 13 students successfully completed this course.

Sr.no Name
1 Yankama Bhovi
2 Jayashri N. Dongre
3 Sita Gupta
4 Roshni Khatun
5 Siddhivinayak Hadapad
6 Rahul Gupta
7 Sourabh Bongarde
8 Lisanna E. Fernandes
9 Joylen D’souza
10 Peerasab R. Hanagi
11 Avisek Kumar. M. Sharma
12 Mohmadgusa Mulla
13 Bharat Choudhary

The course consisted of 15 classes, out of that 3 theory classes were taken in online mode through Google Meet platform by Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, College Director of Physical Education & Sports. Rest all the Practical sessions were taken in offline mode in Multi-purpose hall and in Gymkhana by Mr. Saurabh Raikar, Instructor in Physical Education.

Details of Syllabus (Theory & Practical)

Chapter 1. Introduction to Physical Fitness
v Meaning and Importance of Physical Fitness
v Components of Physical Fitness

a) Health related physical fitness (HRPF)

b) Skill related physical fitness (SRPF)

Chapter 2. Introduction to Sports Nutrition
v Meaning of Sports Nutrition
v Micro and Macro nutrients (Types & Function)

Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Vitamin, Minerals and Water

v Diet Before, During and After Competition
Chapter 3. Fitness and Conditioning (Practical)
v Warm up and cooling down routines
v Own body workout (Exercise and Technique)
v Locomotive movements or drills (Technique)
v Cardio-vascular endurance (Methods)
v Muscular endurance and strength (Methods)
v Flexibility (Methods)
v Speed and Reaction time (Drills)
v Agility and Balance (Drills)
v Power (Plyometric drills)
v Coordination (Drills)
Students Assessment Test

A summative test was taken at the end of the course. Lastly, felicitation function was organized wherein, Mr. Sumit Kumar and Ms. Anjali Sajilal were the Chief Guest for the session. Certificates was provided to the students who had successfully completed the “30 hours certificate course in physical fitness & Nutrition” at the hands of the Chief Guests.

Ms. Roshni Khatun provided a positive feedback about the course. Program ends with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms. Lisanna Fernandes.
