30-hour Digital Marketing Certificate Course

The PG Dept of Commerce organized a 30-hour Digital Marketing Certificate Course for M.Com students from 13th September to 13th October, 2019. The Resource Person was Miss Sumya Sayeed, Trainer Vedasys,

The main objective of the digital marketing course was to provide students with knowledge about the different marketing tools which will help students in their future placements and also in their own business or startup. The Digital Marketing Course consisted of Theory and Practical sessions.

Miss Sumya Sayed discussed about the importance and ways of marketing and its various tools i.e. latest methods and Free tools of Search Engine optimization (SEO) to bring your website to the top of the Google page.

The students were familiarized with TOOLS such as SEOPIMER, Yoast SEO Plugin(WordPress), W/o- Fastest Cache. Plugin, Schema, Broken link checker, SEO Extension (Smart Grade Calculation), Google Analytics, Google search Console, Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, Keywordtool.10, MozBar, CopyScape, Google Pagespeed Insights.

Students were introduced to the following:

  • ON PAGE SEO – title, description, Keywords
  • OFF PAGE SEO – Link building, backlinking, free backlinking Tool-‘Semrush’ and paid backlinking tool ‘Ahrefs’
  • CONTENT WRITING – Creating posts, writing articles
  • BLOGS – Each one had their own choice of selecting topics for the blog
  • ART WORK – Photoshop

20 students of M.Com Part I completed the course.
